Friday, August 26, 2005

New job part three: Irony of Ironies

i·ro·ny ( ī' rə-nē)
n. An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.
Well, I was told last week at work that they’re moving me from the creative department BACK to the media buying department. I’m not happy about it at all, but I’ll be honest, if I were the one in charge, I’d have done it months ago… there’s just no work load in the creative department. Well, ironically, there’s no work load in the media buying department, but they seem to think that that department will be picking up the pace in a month or so and they want me back over there to help with it.

They even hired an additional buyer. He’s sort of a nerdy kid, tall and clumsy looking (imagine Goofy with red hair and a goatee). Well, he’s a pretty annoying guy (for example, earlier this week he told EVERYONE in the office about some pansy little “I love you” thing that his girlfriend did for him earlier this week), but I’m not too put off by him, because as of yet, I haven’t really had to be around him much, but ironically, Andrew (the guy I REALLY can’t stand) came to me to vent about how much he can’t stand this new guy.

What’s ironic about it is the way Andrew is responding to the annoyance. Andrew told me his plan for dealing with the new guy. He said he’d let the new guy go to lunch at noon and he’d wait to take his lunch until 1. He seemed so pleased with himself when he was explaining the genius of his plan to me, “See, that way I get not just a one hour break from him at lunch, but TWO.” Somehow as I sat there trying to look like I was actually listening, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d heard that sort of a concept somewhere before.

What’s even more ironic about it all is that bind it puts me in. The perfect plan I’d been playing since January ’04 is ruined. Now I have to decide whether I want to eat early and put up with the annoying new guy, or eat late and put up with the exasperating old guy.

Either way, I don’t think it will be that big of a deal. The fact that I’m being pushed back into media buying makes me feel pretty determined to find a new job sometime within the next few months. I just resigned my rental agreement at my apartment and only committed myself through the end of November. I’ve got other commitments that will keep me here through October for certain, but after that, I’m getting outta here the first chance I get.

Hmm, kinda ironic, don’t you think, that my post entitled “new job part three” is ultimately the catalyst that will take me to another new job, one that has nothing to do with the new job that this entire post was all about?


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